Elastomeric Roof Coating

At first glance, an Elastomeric Coating may look like plain old paint, but in reality, it is much, much more! This roll-on rubberized coating has numerous benefits for your roof, from longevity to durability. Because this coating is rolled on, it provides a seamless layer of protection. One application of this coating can extend your roof’s lifespan by 20 years!

Due to the fact that this coating is a bright white color, it will not absorb heat into your building. Meaning you can spend more money on your business efforts instead of your heating and cooling costs. Elastomeric Coatings are excellent additions if getting your property to qualify for Energy Star or LEED ratings is your goal. The cherry on top is that doing so does not even require a costly and disruptive roof replacement.

Elastomeric Coatings also excel in windy conditions. While many roofing systems may weaken in strong winds and storms, Elastomeric Coatings remain flush and intact with your roof regardless of the weather. With this roof coating, you can be confident that your roof will stay waterproof even after a heavy storm.

And when it comes to maintenance and repairs, Elastomeric Coatings are simple and easy. If a section of the coating fails, only that area needs to be given attention. Better yet, there is no waste created by scraping off of old materials. Without the need for teardowns, maintenance and repair become a simple act of reapplication.

Advantages of Elastomeric Roof Coating:

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